Wednesday 9 March 2011

Chipsticks have been repackaged!

Oh, Chipsticks! You salty bag of maize & potato snacks that stick in your teeth and burn your mouth with their vinegar fumes, how I love you. Well I did until you got redesigned.

Chipsticks have lost there perfect retro packaging. No more window to view your lovely snack, the stripes have become more business like. For some reason the 39p has become a football style lozenge kicked out of a goal. The logo typeface has become fussy and thin with none of the classic fish & chip shop style to it at all. 

However they have kept the logo typeface, stripes and markerfelt font for 'Salt 'n' vinegar' but it has been updated and in this case means they've lost it's identity. Every piece of visual information has been redesigned, resized and repositioned to produce a much lesser shelf standout. I wonder if they're seeing reduced sales now it blends with it's rivals?

Oh Chipsticks, what have they done to you?

Thursday 3 March 2011

noah and the whale analogue tape deck

This is superb! You can create your own tape, send it to friends, choose colours, type your own message, stop, rewind & stop the power. Just so much fun! And I actually like the tracks.

Really good promotional piece, i'm guessing this will be everywhere very soon!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Baby card

Here's a couple of designs I'm working on for a friends baby card. Not long to go so I better get cracking and I'm still waiting on the name so I can fill the gap! As you can see I'm using inspiration from Rob Ryan as she adores his work, she came across him from the dutch magazine Flow which is a really good read,

Friday 4 February 2011

Volkswagen Commercial: The Force

pat robertson, what a tool!

Really? The gay people have caused the snow and shut the airports because they may do something gay?
Wow, God really does move in mysterious ways.

Pipers Farm

I recently came across Pipers Farm Butchers in Magdalen Road in Exeter. The food quality is amazing and the product range is huge. I feel I'm buying from a quality producer.

They have a Simple Range of meat you can buy either £15 for eggs, chicken fillets, beef/chicken burgers, meal for one, red ruby steak mince, sausages/bacon and grilling steaks/sandwich steaks. Wow!

They have an amazing site built by One Design It's simple, effective and really funky looking. I hope Pipers Farm are getting a lot of interest from it!

I'll be buying my first lot of meat in about 6 weeks time, so I'll give you a verdict on the Simplest Range.

Suprisingly my challenge of not buying for big stores and commercial producers has not been as hard as I first thought!

Thanks local producers!

Thursday 20 January 2011

chalk & ward Advertising Design Meet

After viewing the Creative Review logo vote blog ( ) we decided to have a go and choose our favourites.

I decided on Woolmark, Habitat, Big Brother 2, V&A and Unilever.

Each logo is so honest in it's design. You get a great first idea of who they are which is as perfect a logo as you can get. The V&A logo is classic, fantastic typography, clean and clear.

We all pulled on the many logos we came across and these are our final five :

Two other logos I really love and believe should be up there is the recycling logo and the litter bin man. Beautifully crafted logos but they have also been changed and developed to suit any brand out there. It is a great logo that can change symbol but still have the same values.